Thursday, November 1, 2007

Week 8... So close yet so far!

well I have finally put aside some more time to get up with the program!

today i have had a look at Zoho writer and have managed to import a media release for a recent event, add an image and publish it to my blog (see previous post Babies Do Love Books Too)

this program is simple enough to use but once again I am not sure I would really ned to use it that often whe most computers have access to basic Microsoft programs... but hey it is good to know it exists just in case!

google docs seems good for things like the participants tracking logs where you want to show people progress but not let them alter the information, i guess in a way it is like loading a PDF onto a web page...

next of course I had a look at the web 2.0 award winners... some of these like library thing, bloglines and technorati I have seen during this course. I had a better look at Be Green which gives options for joining networks to reduce green house emissions and create a better environment as well as a carbon calculator which links you to an organisation that can offset your annual emissions. this one was interesting and useful especially when compared to coverpop where you can hover over 100s of handbags to find the best ones of the past 12 months... pointless, i think some people have too much time on their hands!

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