Wednesday, November 14, 2007

# 22 and 23 - tick, tick and double tick

And so it finishes...

But before we get to that I should probably tell you about my experiences with audio books. I had a search through World e-Book Fair and had a listen to the Emperor's New Clothes by Hans Christian Anderson on MP3. Although it took a while to download I got it eventually and am enjoying it now while i type this post.

So now I say goodbye. And goodbye it will probably be. I am not really the type of person to continue using a blog into the future but it is likely that I will contiue to use other web 2.0 technologies that I have discovered.

Although I have wondered throughout this program whether we will ever actually use these programs for our library i can see the benefits of completing it on a personal basis. I am sure it will assist librarians in feeling confident to answer enquiries about these technologies and it has definitely highlighted interesting techniques and technologies that i will use in my personal life.

It has been fun, thanks to all for coming on this joourney with me.

Signing off...

# 20 and 21 - tick!

So I have finally had time to get around completing this program! Hooray!!! Today I have had a look at you tube and podcasts (and will hopefully also get around to the final couple of items as well).

You tube is fun to explore but VERY time consuming to find something good. I had time to reminisce about my holiday in the Galapagos earlier this year and thought oyu might like to share some of the experience so I have put a You Tube video onto my blog (see below) called Sea Lions and their Adorable Babies in Galapagos Islands. It goes for a couple of minutes and is really sweet.

I spent some time searching for a good salsa video but found it hard to find one. All in all it was fairly fun. I happed to find a video that had been taken at my house too, thanks to a party my sister had while housesitting a couple of years ago when we went to NZ... But it is really not fit for public viewing!

Podcasts are something I have used quite frequently oon my iPod using iTunes. So i took this opportunity to use iTunes again to download another podcast or two from the radio station I listen to.

For something different I also used which I had not used before. I found this really easy to find interesting podcasts (some of which I also downloaded to my iPod).

Using Bloglines, I have added iTunes to my RSS feeds and have been able to listen to podcasts through this.

Anyway, time to look at audio books and then number 23!
