Wednesday, November 14, 2007

# 22 and 23 - tick, tick and double tick

And so it finishes...

But before we get to that I should probably tell you about my experiences with audio books. I had a search through World e-Book Fair and had a listen to the Emperor's New Clothes by Hans Christian Anderson on MP3. Although it took a while to download I got it eventually and am enjoying it now while i type this post.

So now I say goodbye. And goodbye it will probably be. I am not really the type of person to continue using a blog into the future but it is likely that I will contiue to use other web 2.0 technologies that I have discovered.

Although I have wondered throughout this program whether we will ever actually use these programs for our library i can see the benefits of completing it on a personal basis. I am sure it will assist librarians in feeling confident to answer enquiries about these technologies and it has definitely highlighted interesting techniques and technologies that i will use in my personal life.

It has been fun, thanks to all for coming on this joourney with me.

Signing off...

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